Saturday, January 06, 2007

December's Knits and Such

Woo-hoo, I found my camera cord! So I thought I'd write an update about what I knitted-done over my break.... Monday, January 8 is the first day of classes, so I'm in the crafty home stretch. My first goal was the finish the recycled silk easy-peasy garter stitch triangular shawl for my friend Krissy's 30th birthday/Christmas present. This is the 4th of these Mango Moon shawl's I've made for friends, family, and myself... They are very popular and easy to crank out. She is supposed to send me a picture of her wearing it but I don't have anything yet... So here's me in my own, a shawl I knitted out of yarn given to me by my mother-in-law several birthdays ago. Currently, this shawl has not yet been destroyed by my husband's evil bloodhound (and I have much more hair-- I seem to be featuring a lot of old photographs here lately.

My second goal was to finish husband's Log Cabin Socks (pattern from Handknit Holidays.) I knit these using approximately 2 skeins of Cascade 220 in a dark, heathered gray. Dana is guarding them with his life... It is nowhere near cold enough to wear them in South Carolina right now. They are long enough to use as Christmas stockings, I think. Excuse these sorry photos... Dana went up to the foothills to mountain bike so he's not around to model them properly. Good thing there are a million other pics of these socks on the internet. I want a pair for myself... It was so fulfilling to knit up a quick (once I knitted monogamously) pair of socks on #6 needles. I highly recommend this pattern.

This doesn't really qualify as a new handknit... but I'm glad to write that Swell found a home! Tiny Swell was supposed to be an adult medium.... However, I was a little tense knitting during my first attempt at colorwork. The resulting hat is a perfect fit for my little friend's head. Since he lives in Asheville, NC, he will need a wool hat more than us Southern Carolinians do. This was actually the first time I met this little guy... We had a wonderful surprise visit from some darling, long-lost friends on the day after Christmas and had a chance to meet their new little boy. I was happy to have a handknit hat stashed away to give to him.

I've also been going through my closet and throwing out clothes that I no longer wear (or never have worn for that matter.) There was a knitting milestone here... I donated my first handknit sweater to Goodwill-- This monstrosity (see Felted Pullover) that I attempted from IK Winter 2004. I decided that the Cavewoman Look was probably going out with 2006. I won't even include a picture of me in my version of the sweater, which was my first attempt at felting... I didn't read any instructions on the matter, thinking, "How hard can it be? Throw the thing in the washing machine with hot water and some soap." I even let it go through the spin cycle, which streched the sleeves out like taffy. Why would I have thought that this was a good idea? Is everyone's first sweater such a mistake?

While cleaning the closet, I found a sweater given to me last Christmas that I've never worn. It's a soft, neutral sweater that fits well and has lots of potential as a wear-with-everything cardigan. But, there were a few details that I didn't like. First was a detachable faux-fur collar that I detached and donated to Goodwill. Also there were small, non-functional breast pockets. I think decorative pockets are infuriatingly senseless. I removed these as well, nicking the fabric of the sweater and getting a chance to practice my darning skills. I know, I know, you're thinking that this is a great story so far. You're on the edge of your seat.... What I'm getting at... is that where I removed the pockets is noticeable. I've washed and dried the sweater which helped somewhat. The only idea I can think of is to tack the rows of stockinette together with some beige sewing thread? Any other ideas? Here's what we're working with... Can you see the outline of the little pockets?

I did a wee bit of sewing over the holidays. I wanted a pair of red Christmas knickers, and I was literally sewing these up while drinking red wine and wrapping presents on Christmas Eve. I was inspired to make these from a photo out of Handknit Holidays. Pretty much, it's safe to say that I want to live in the pages of that book.

Here's a quick Clapotis Under Construction shot. I ordered six balls of Noro Silk Garden off of eBay and I cannot wait for it to arrive! This pattern is pure knitting addiction. I think I'd love one in black or winter white.

Other things knitting include "Sangria" socks out of my last skein of Chasing Rainbows from Willits, CA. One down, one to go. I did finish the pair in the "Tartan" colorway, as well... I'm currently working on a scarf for my sister's boyfriend in black Cascade Pastaza, which is 50% llama, 50% wool. It's loosely based on the double cable scarf from One Skein. Since I no longer have this library book in my possession, I'm knitting from pics on the internet. You know, I've never knitted anything black? I've also remembered how much I hate knitting scarves... Back and forth, back and forth...

So did you get an yarn, fiber, or knitting books for Christmas? What's on your to-knit list for 2007?


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