Monday, November 13, 2006

a knitter and her rocker - Lindsey

True to the granny knitter stereotype... I thought I'd post a picture of me knitting a sock in my new spinning wheel rocking chair. I found it at a junk store in Elloree and probably paid too much for it-- but I had to have it. The guy I bought it off of said that he bought it at a yard sale while driving in the mountains of Virginia. I don't know if it was homemade or commercially built. I was looking to see if there was anything similair out there on the web and found this one on eBay. Mine isn't in quite as good shape... It's missing one of the spokes on the wheel and also the bobbin that would rest in the flyer (which is mounted on top of the wheel on the chair.) Maybe I'll look around for some replacement pieces, but in the mean time, it will be a good fireside knitting spot.


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