Sunday, January 07, 2007

One Last Project

My camera ran out of juice yesterday before I was able to post one of my other craft projects of winter break. I made this mosaic-like seashell stepping stone for my future garden. It's approximately 12 inches in diameter, and I got the cement and mold out of a kit on clearance at a cheapy craft store. I collected the seashell fragments on the beach down in Edisto. In addition to stepping stones for my future garden, I have a front door for my future house waiting patiently in storage. The house we were considering buying is no longer listed with Remax-- It may be sold, for sale by owner, or in between realty company listings. I'm starting to feel a readiness to settle in and nest-build and then maybe look for a suitable piece of acreage to have a hobby farm. Who knows, maybe we'll build one day, but in the meantime, I feel like we need to invest in something that is our own.

Last night, I was home alone and had a lively Saturday night drinking herbal tea and casting on for the Tulip Toes booties from Knitty. The construction is very unusual and at one point, I just wanted to give up and cast on for some other familiar bootie pattern. I forged ahead and have begun picking up the stitches for the heel petal. They are not without mistakes and there are some areas where I had to fudge it... So I guess when I make a second pair for my layette, they'll be a bit cleaner-looking. I think I will knit the entire sole green next time around. I'm knitting them in the same yarn and colors as pictured in the Knitty pattern. Very daring of me, I know.

While perusing the internet last night, I noticed that the Twisted Sisters Daktari yarn in Cappuccino is back in stock at The Yarn Market. I really really really want this yarn for the "Lacy Skirt With Bows" pattern from Greetings From the Knit Cafe. Dana gave me a handful of cash for Christmas, telling me to get whatever yarn I wanted. Instead, the money went to car taxes and new front tires... Then I had to shell out money for the Clapotis yarn... So, I'm thinking I deserve this as a belated Christmas present? The only thing knit-related I received for Christmas was Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitting Almanac. Are they trying to tell me something?

New Year's Knitting Resolutions...
Don't wash my handknit socks in the washing machine....
Knit my husband a sweater (or rather, finish knitting a sweater for my husband)
Knit up my stash yarn entirely this year. Later, I plan to include a stash inventory to detail what all this includes. I don't think these are too ambitious... Do you?

Must Knits for 2007...
Lacy Skirt with Bows
Charlotte's Web by Koigu
Rusted Root by Zephyr Style

Tomorrow is the first day of classes!!!!


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