Sunday, June 25, 2006

Functional Knitting

After seemingly endless inches of stockinette stitch for "green gable" and still insufficient length to keep my belly from peeking out... I had to break down and knit some washrags.

Witness exhibit A:

My first attempt at a basketweave pattern with one 100% cotton and another with cotton and a fine thread of wet-spun hemp. They'll both be mailed off to non-knitters, who I'm convinced must not have any dishcloths. I love this cheap cotton-- One day I'll have to go tour their factory, located in Spindale, NC, a town that is also the home to my favorite radio station. (You may remember tuning in to this Northern Carolina radio station at work in Northern California.)

Also I'm knitting an easy-peasy baby bib out of Mason-Dixon Knitting compliments of my not-so-local library. You just have to love a baby named Rowan. Hopefully, I'll have a picture to post of him drooling sweet potatoes all over his new bib very soon.

Can't you tell tomorrow is Monday and I'm procrastinating getting back into nursing school mode? There's a vacation in sight-- I have three days off for the 4th of July so we are heading down to Edisto Island with the Moberg family. I cannot wait to knit on the beach and generally indulge myself in too much sleeping, eating, and fiction-reading. Ahhhhh.... Do ya'll have any plans?

We are tentatively scheduling a trip out to California on July 28th to August 6th... Maybe y'all could meet us in the bay area or further north? it's pretty much a sure thing but we haven't yet gotten plane tickets.

So back to Green Gable... after knitting around and around and around and around, I don't think she's long enough! I knitted at least an inch more than the model in the pattern but I'm still not sure. Here she is:

When my arms go over-head, it's just too short. I think I will be constantly pulling on it. Is this something I can fix in the blocking process? Or am I destined to knit around and around and around and around and around some more? Knitting Monogamy is killing me. see what I'm talking about? what do you think?

Also I love your recycled sari silk project... You are such a selfless knitter. Most of my knitting is for moi these days. Your glasses make you look even cuter and smarter and I love that gray cardigan in the picture... Did you make?

Thought anymore about SAFF? What classes do you want to take? What are the odds that you can make it out here?

More later. I may just have to photograph all my works in progress to really scare you. What a fiend you have created!


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