Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I won! I won!

Isn't it funny how when you spend money in a store you bought something but when you spend money on Ebay, you won it. In any event, the sense of victory is overwhelming. I have a ball of Trekking XXL #126 coming my way, and I am so happy with myself. I saw this yarn knitted up at Sellyn Yarns in Augusta, GA while on a yarncrawl with some of my new knitting coworkers. We were smitten, but they no longer had the yarn in stock. I figured it would be easy to identify the Trekking colorway and find it for sale online. On the contrary, apparently this yarn was a hot commodity in 2006 and had been discontinued, reissued, and discontinued again. I'm so out of the loop here in rural SC. Discovering that it was impossible to find made me want it that much more! There was a lively discussion on a Knitter's Review forum about an Ebay auction of this yarn going for $43. Who cares how much someone spends on a ball of wool? Ebay functions on the fact that a thing is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. All that said, I got the skein for $13! I guess that's the beauty of being out of touch with the rest of the knitting world... No one's competing with me for 2006's must-have sock yarn!


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