Saturday, July 15, 2006

Reading Season is short this year

So I usually give up knitting for summer and take up obsessive reading. Well this year Reading Season was short. My arm is feeling much better and I can't seem to resist knitting something. Not to mention that my friend Julia sent me some yummy Cashmerino yarn and an adorable Baby Dress pattern...and away we go.

I actually knitted a fair bit of this while at a conference. While the speakers were blah, blah, blahing I was knit, knit, knitting. I think the knitting actually allows me to maintain more attention to the blah, blah, blahing. Otherwise I'd just start day dreaming. Anyhow, isn't it adorable. The ruffle seemed to take forever, but now that I'm through the ruffle things are moving along much faster.

I'm glad to hear the two color knitting went well and if you like the Swell pattern than I have another pattern that you will just love. I plan on knitting it one of these days. It's very similar to Swell except that the chart gives you cats (sort of an Escher version of cats) I'll try to find it. it was in one of my magazines. I'm pretty sure I tagged it.

I also am moving right along with my new cotton socks. I used the leftovers from Jeff's socks to do the brown stripe. I just can't stop knitting striped socks.

I also spent a little cash the other day on Alterknits. I'm going to make the felted bulletin board for my new office at Santa Monica College. Colors to match the pastel my sister Eileen drew in Art School many moons ago. I'll put a pic up of the pastel soon. It's fabulous and I've had it hanging either in my living space or my office for since before I graduated from high school. The other pattern from Alterknits that I'm considering is the Silver Squares Necklace. I'm thinking Christmas gifts.

I can't wait to see Green Gable!


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