Saturday, September 02, 2006

I really am knitting obsessed - Dawn

So I have put myself on a yarn diet several times and have failed everytime. I applaud you for your attempt and also totally understand your slip up. In fact, if you had to slip, Humboldt County is the place to do it. I'm trying to get myself reinvigorated for another yarn diet by cataloging all of the projects I've recently completed and those I have on the needles. So get ready, this is confession time. Actually, I don't think I have pictures of all of my in-process projects so I might have to do a second post with those projects. So here we go, I am really truly knitting obsessed.

Completed #1: This is the baby dress intended for my friend Julia and her baby girl Dana. I finished it last week and put it in the mail. I hope Dana likes it.

Completed #2 & 3
OOOO LA LA! Baby Alpaca! This is a Neck Warmer and a hat for my mom. When I was visiting in August my mom and I went to the/a yarn store in Mansfield, Ohio "Bumble Bee Yarns" and my mom picked up a neck warmer that the store owner designed, "Liz's Neck Warmer." We bought some alpaca and I promised to make it for my mom. So when I finally sat down with the pattern the store owner gave me it wasn't what I remembered my mom trying on, so I designed my own with the one from Bumble Bee as my inspiration. It is pictured here with a hat I knitted (my own design too) out of the left overs. I really like it and I've graduated to designing my own patterns. Whoo hoo! The hat does have a modified leaf edging from "Knitting On the Edge," by Nicky Epstein. I will try to write it out before I send the actual product to my mom .

Completed #4
This is a frilly jacket from a Rebecca pattern that I finished awhile ago. I got this pattern book and knit two projects out of it. The directions were a disaster and I have sworn off of Rebecca patterns for good. It's a shame because they look beautiful, but after struggling to figure out the directions and finally writing to the Rebecca website I basically got a response saying, "Read the directions." GRRRR! Well needless to say I won't be giving Rebecca anymore money.

In process: #1 The second project from the Rebecca book is still unfinished and I'm contemplating frogging it and using the yarn for something else. Though the sweater is nearly finished I have all the pieces finished but discovered that the edging for the v-neck opening is wrong. So if I to finish the sweater I will need to frog the front piece, but now I'm not so sure I like the sweater anymore. The yarn on the other hand is great. For this project I used a strand of purple bulky alpaca and a strand of mohair.

In process: #2 These are socks for my nephew Patrick. It's a pattern from Interweave Winter 2003 "Uptown Boot Socks." They are my current bus project so the progress is slow because my bus ride is approximately 15 mintues. So 4-8 rows per ride depending on whether the bus is packed or not. I'll probably have them done by the holidays. And just so you get some perspective on the size of the sock, my nephew is well over 6 feet tall. So when knitting them on the bus people usually ask me if I'm knitting the sleeve to a sweater. I say, "no, it's a sock" and they usually say something like, "Wow that's some sock!" Anyhow, they are being knit in Mountain Colors Evergreen.

#3 This is a project for my new office at my new job. I'm making a Felted Bulletin Board from Alterknits. The pattern in the book has several solid blocks of color I'm opting for a design which I created myself. I'm about halfway through. I've planned 4 repetitions of the pattern. Now, its not that glamorous but it is my first color design. What do you think?

#4 Interweave Summer 2006 Bonita Shirt made in Golden Chai -Golden Tussah from Art Fibers. I can't wait to wear this. I'm working on this almost everynight so I'm bound to be wearing it soon.

#5 and lastly for this post is the never ending sweater for my husband. Poor Jeff has been waiting for this sweater since before we were married. I still like the pattern and the yarn, luckily, but don't know when I'll pick it up again.

Well that's it for confessions today. Maybe I'll dig through my stash later and see what other projects I find unfinished.


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