Sunday, February 22, 2009

Work Space

So after two years of living in our new condo (not so new anymore) we've finally managed to set up a little workspace for me. I'm taking over the spare room for my study and fiber work. Within the first few weeks of living here we decided to do away with the huge sliding door closet in the spare room and create a little desk or built in shelf area. Well the desk won out for now and perhaps if we stay in LA it will turn into something else entirely. See the photo. I've got my computer and little drawer until set up and hoping this motivates me to work work work. I might be in trouble though because I'm also putting yarn and fiber all around me so I'm not sure if this will motivate me to study or if it will just lead me to dreaming about knitting and spinning projects.

At the top of the picture you can see a little piece of blue tape. That is where I'm hoping to add some book shelves and / or a cabinet to stash things. I won't give you a picture of the rest of the room because its a total wreck, but off to the right side of the desk area I have added a peg board for hanging...

you guest it, YARN! LOL! I suppose other things could be hung up here as well, but I don't forsee that happening anytime soon. The yarn in the picture is my own handspun. I haven't decided what to knit with it yet, but I have my eye on a Green Mountain Spinnery sweater that appeared in the Knitter's Stash. I'll need one more color and probably lots more yards, but it is always fun to imagine the possiblities.