Saturday, September 29, 2007

Now we're heavy into the knitting season

I've started about 4 projects in the last two weeks. I'm probably going a little insane. The pace at work has ramped up even higher and I barely feel like I can stop to eat something. So, when I come home I want to do anything and everything that I WANT TO DO. So here's the list.

Toe up socks - scroll pattern from Ana Budds More Sensational socks. These are for Jeff so I've got many many stitches to go.

Handspun Yarn for mittens - Mostly merino. I haven't chosen the pattern yet but I have finished the yarn

Hanspun Yarn for Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby surprise Sweater. - Romney Wool (purchased at the Santa Monica Fiber fest. I also need a bit of contrast yarn so there's some cream Merino top on my wheel now.

Cotton Surplice Lace Top by Gayle Bunn in lavendar.

I think there are a few more started projects, but I'm starting to feel like I should hide them, so I will...

...and just to let you know Lady Eleanor has not been forgotten. She is about 5 inches away from have the fringed added.

I am finishing some of my projects so don't think I don't. Here are two projects recently finished and sent off to my friend Andy and his brand new fiancee. Socks for him and Socks for her. Happy engagement! No cold feet for them.



The Yarn Harlot

So I gathered together with a bunch of crazy knitters and listened to another crazy knitter talk about how crazy and wonderful knitting is. And yes, she did talk about how non-knitters just don't get it and how much we feel sorry for non-knitters. Does this sound like a church revival?

Anyhow, I totally enjoyed myself and even did something I generally scorn. I stood in line for another hour after the author talk to say hello and get my books signed.

Here's one of my favorite quotes from her book

"You know you knit too much when...

Your knitting children have accused you (openly, and more than once) of giving them only your 'crap wool' for their projects."

I don't have any children yet, but I'm afraid that this will happen to me sooner or later.

Jackmans in California

September 1, 2007 (Cyndy, Dawn, and Dana)