Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This is the skein that never ends...

Thank-you sooooo much for the beautiful Briar Rose Fibers bundle of woolly goodness. It's 1500yards! It barely fit in my mailbox! The first night me and kitty (and that big man) literally curled up and went to sleep with it! Soooo exciting! Right now, it's laid up in the pile of pillows... What to knit? What to knit?

Things I am considering include the Starfish shawl from Knitting Nature or two projects that I would have to create myself... One being a live-in cardigan with a cabled yolk and pockets based on one that my friend M. got at a thrift store years ago (so at least I have a template) or a wrap that I have in my head. Have you ever seen those wrap/sweaters that are just big rectangles with arm holes made for sleeves? You can just throw the sides of the rectangle around you like a scarf... The edges of the rectangle make a shawl-like collar... I sketched one based on measurements I took off of a wrap like this I saw at a wedding. I have also considered doing a lovely lace triangular shawl... which is something I've never attempted. What to knit? What to knit? Are you interested in designing a pattern with me?
The Lacy Skirt With Bows... is right where I left her. I haven't even cast-on for the back of the skirt. I also haven't heard from Yarn Market about the mystery skein of mismatched yarn. Witness: Exhibit A...

I do, however, have a pile of socks to show... I finished the red socks and have lovingly nicknamed them the Red Clown Socks. I used some scraps leftover from socks I knit for my father-in-law several Christmases ago. See? Moving all those boxes labeled "WIPs" and "Yarn Leftovers" was well-worth the effort! The benefits of stash... It's not always about stash acquisition... sometimes, we actually knit from the stash and the scraps...

If all of these images indicate that I am still pretty much in bed... well, then they would be telling the truth. But, hey, there's a lot that can be accomplished from bed these days... I'm awaiting my test date for NCLEX and trying to keep my nose to the grindstone for just a few more days. It seems like there can never be enough studying... So when do you stop trying to cram all of nursing school into a week or two? Here is the image that keeps me working and thinking positively.... The three pins are from my nursing school, my godmother/aunt's and my grandmothers. They passed down their nursing pins to me on the night of my pinning ceremony.... I am so proud to be carrying on the tradition of nursing with these two generations of women.

Behold, Red Clown Socks! What do you think?

I have gotten out of bed for a thing or two this morning... to make a latte and to start a snack in the big, red pot... Wondering what's cooking???

Boiled Peanuts!

And I almost forgot... I cast on for Eunny Jang's Entrelac Socks yesterday afternoon on my way to Charleston... I fiddled with the cast-on and getting in the swing of knitting entrelac in the round for some time... As you can see, I didn't get too much accomplished for a three+ hour round-trip car ride. Here's what I have to show...


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